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Dana Wish List and Donors

DANA "Wish" LIST: (Items needed)


- Replacement windows for  classrooms - approx. $200 per window (6 windows)
- Flooring for the church hall. (vinyl tiles or planks)

- LCD projector (portable)

- Air Conditioning for Hall

- Professional Food Warmer - approximately $4500




Battery Operated Water Pump for Bottled Water - donated by The Hojilla Family

Monetary Gift for Church Improvements - Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Kaplan (Gayle Hosaka)

Replacement Windows for Conference Room - Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Kaplan

Small Freezer - donated by Robert Kobayashi

2nd Ice Maker - donated by Reedley BWA & Reedley Dharma School

Window blinds for the Conference Room - donated by Ben and Diane Kubota

Window blinds for the hall (14 windows) - purchased with donation by the United Methodist
     Fellowship Church (upon closing of their church)

Wireless headphones (12) for hard of hearing during church services - purchased for senior
LCD projector and pull down screen - donated by Ben & Diane Kubota in memory of Kubota
     Relatives and Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Yamada 

Ice Maker - donated by Mr. Bill Imada in memory of Tak & Haru Yamakawa and Eugene &
     Mary Imada

Portable PA System - donated by Ty & Laura Tavlan

Replacement Windows for Church Social hall ($2,000) - 6 windows - donated by Mr. Bill
     Imada (Southern California)

Large Party Tent - funded by Dr. James Ikemiya Memorial Fund 
Answering Machine (Phone) for church - donated by Dale & Charlene Okamura

Chest Freezer - donated by Michio Miyamoto
Stainless Lids for Large Pans - donated by Joy Donaldson
Stainless Cart for Meat Slicer - donated by Reedley Dharma School

Television Cabinet - donated by Mike Naito
Commercial Meat Slicer - donated by the Reedley Dharma School
Mounting Bracket for Television - donated by The Nishida Family in memory of their mother,
     Mrs. Midori Nishida
55" LCD  Samsung Television for Conference Room - donated by Mr. & Mrs. Shig Naito (San
     Leandro), Ms. Amy Naito (San Francisco), and Mr. Barton Naito (Pleasanton)
Walk in refrigerator - purchased with funds from the Dr. James Ikemiya Memorial Fund 
2 Ice Chests - donated by the Okamura Family
Garage door opener - for new storage building - donated by Mr. Henry Ohashi

Freezer for kitchen - donated by Rev. & Mrs. George Shibata

Metal Racks (for shelves in storage room) - donated by Mr. Bob Kobayashi & Mr. Gene

Storage Cabinets (for storage room) - donated by Reedley Dharma School and Kathy & Ron

Stage Curtains in Hall - donated by Reedley BWA and Reedley Dharma School
Heater for Judo Room - donated by Reedley Judo Club



Thank you to Mr. Kliff Justesen for pavers and labor for the walk-thru gate.


Thank to Mr. Kliff Justesen for his efforts to keep the church grounds looking well groomed and clean.  Thank you to Mr. Don Takanishi for his continuous help with the upkeep and maintenance at the church and parsonage.


Thank you to Mr. Mitchell Abe for refinishing the desk in the back of the hondo. The veneer was starting to come off and Mitchell made it look like new again!


Thank you to the late Mr. Kenny Suemoto for converting the old TV cabinet in the Conference Room to a coat and purse storage unit! Now, instead of piling our jackets and purses on a table or the kitchen counter, we can store it safely in the cabinet. 


New items will be listed as needed. Monetary donations can also be made for the partial purchase of items too. If you are interested in making a donation to our church, please contact the 2023 church president, Kliff Justesen at, or email this website at

2035 15th Street - P.O. Box 24
Reedley, CA  93654                     Phone: (559) 638-2146

Email Church President:
Joy Donaldson


Resident Minister:

​Rev. Mieko Majima


Email Webmaster:

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